Kent Engine Naturally Aspirated W/Angled Cap (PC Programmable - Usb cable sold separate)
cylinders: | 4 |
direction: | CW/CCW |
voltage: | 4,0-15,0 Volts |
range: | 500 - 8000 rpm |
temperature: | -30 to 100 Celsius |
coil: | stock or High Energy coil, primary coil NOT below 1,0 ohm |
dwell: | constant current, fully autom. |
time-out: | after 1 second current is switched off |
spark-bal.: | better than 0,5 degr. crankshaft |
vacuum: | vacuum advance or boost retard, max. 20 degrees crankshaft |
max.advance: | 45 degr. crankshaft |
curves: | one programmable advance curves |
Programmable: | By iOS or Android app via Bluetooth 4.0 |
Rev limiter: | Programmable soft rev limiter ( max 7900 rpm ), 60% of the sparks will cut off |
wiring: | red = +6V or +12V, black = '-' coil, blue = ground |
App for IOS: | 123\Tune version 1.5.2 (link to App Store opens in new window) requires iPhone/IPad/iPod 4+ and upp |
App for Android: | 123\Tune+ version 1.5.0 (link to Google Play Store opens in new window) requires Android 4.4 and up and a device with bluetooth 4 |